Saturday, August 2, 2014


Our biggest concern has been how would Zoe respond to all these changes? Long drives, hotel rooms, a new dog (hopefully) friend, new sleeping arrangements, etc.  and then when we get here we learn that Zoe must stay outside during the day, roaming unsupervised over many acres of land.  She can only come into the lodge when she is with us going upstairs to our bedroom where she sleeps. We try to check in with her often but sometimes it is so busy that she is alone for long periods.

The first day she would spend time whining outside the doors or an open screen window where she could hear our voices.  She snuck into the lodge several times - we have learned she is quite skilled at using her nose to accomplish this.  Although she is learning her boundaries, this morning she came sauntering into a packed, action-filled kitchen only to be met by a  cacophonous chorus of "Zoe, get out." She'll learn. This is, after all, only day two.

Jake and Laurel have a dog as well, Canella a 12 year old boxer/pit blend. She is real sweet and is usually found lying in the shade with a tennis ball in her mouth.  Marie and I brought 3 tubes of tennis balls because we knew that we would need them with Zoe, who will chase a ball all day, and Canella who perpetually has a ball in ber mouth, much reminiscent of WC Fields and his ever present stogie. I don't think we brought enough.

Canella in her typical pose.

Zoe and Canella playing fetch.

So, Zoe seems happy.  She is learning new skills and will continue to become well socialized as it is apparently common  for visitors to bring their dogs as well. She is getting continually loved on by the guests that are here and gets many back scratches a day as well as lots of suckers to throw a ball for her.

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