Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fly fishing, part deux

PI had originally hoped that much more of this trip would be about my having the opportunity to learn more about fly fishing.  Unfortunately, that has not been the case up until the past few days.

A little background for this story. For the past number of years, Bob Jacklin, a local and nationally known fly fishing legend, had offered to the past owners that for as little as a comped dinner he would come out to Elk Lake and do a teaching demo/show on the sport. For some inane reason, the past owners never took him up on the offer.

Jake and Laurel, however realized that this is a relationship they want to develop both for their own sake and to the benefit of their patrons.  So with Maia and Johnny (who are true fishing enthusiasts) coming and knowing that I wanted to learn as well, they saw this as a window of opportunity to invite Bob out.  Yea for us!

So Bob and his wife, Sharon showed up about an hour before dinner last night and walked around the grounds to reacquaint themselves with the facilities. They met Maia and Johnny who recognized Bob from several of his videos on tying flies that they own. When Laurel and Jake brought them into the lodge, Bob presented them with a beautiful drawing someone had done of Bob fishing, and within the framing were embedded two hand tied flies, by Bob of course.  He actually still hand ties most of the flies that he sells in his fly fishing store, prominently located on the main corner in West Yellowstone. By the way, there are at least seven fly fishing shops in West Yellowstone.

As Bob and Sharon got to talkin' with Maia and Johnny, they invited the kids to join them at their table for dinner. What a thrill. Of course, Marie and I were working, dangitallanyway.  Bob gave Maia a video he made on several methods of fly casting.  He also gave them a "fly" that he invented and has been perfecting over the past several years.  He says that he has observed many larger fish eat small rodents that have fallen into the water, so he created a lure that resembles a small mouse! He says that he has caught fish with this lure in Labrador, Alaska and just within the past few days, in Yellowstone Park.

(Left to right) Maia, Johnny, Sharon and Bob.

Hot off the press mouse lure.  

Bob Jacklin is a quiet, gentle soul but when he starts talking about fishing, you sit up and listen.  I learned a lot from his demonstrations. He had to do the show inside because we were besieged by a thunder/lightning/rain/hail storm outside. But he adjusted well and was able to show casting methods using only the tip section of his rod.

Bob Jacklin demonstrating the "roll cast."

Quite a night.  Thank you Laurel and Jake. And of course, Bob.

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