Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mountain storms and other cool stuff

We have been besieged by a series of mountain storms for the past several days.  They are quite different than those that we frequently experience back home.  Usually there is a lot of very loud thunder and occasionally bolts of irredescent lightning. And it is so sounds like it is very close.  And maybe, in that we are at 6500 feet elevation, it really is closer.

Zoe doesn't like the thunder. She finds a small dark place to hide while she waits out the serenade.  For now that place is the cubbyhole of a closet in what we call our bedroom (more on our accommodations in a later blog) . Her reaction is essentially the same as it is for the weeks on both ends of the Fourth of July where people on all sides of our home in Bremerton set of thousands of dollars worth of illegal pyrotechnics. She apparently is not a fan of window rattling, chest thumping wall bending consussions.  Who is?

So far, one of the great aspects of this adventure is meeting all sorts of interesting people from all over the continent. Our current group of guests is a family of 26 people that holds a reunion every three years.  They come from all over the country, driving from New York, Minnesota, Nebraska and many other states.  Ages range from a baby to the seventies. Lots of fun.  They are having a great time and say this is the best reunion ever.  And they are loving the food. We make really REALLY good food.

Zoe gets to make new friends as well. The current group brought a seven month old Border Collie/Australian Shepard named Jethro.  Jethro is a wild child who needs a job. Zoe is a very fast runner but Jethro is an entirely different league.  Zoe will be chasing a ball at full gallop and Jethro will be literally running circles around her, seemingly trying to herd her somewhere.

I don't think Zoe likes to be herded.

Jethro on the hunt.

Did I say tell you yet that the food is really REALLY good? Last night was barbequer ribs, chicken, BBQ beans (by yours truly) , cole slaw made by Marie that people are still raving about, homemade breads and several desserts. Tonight is prime rib, salmon and several sides.  Marie made a blueberry peach crumble that looks and smells delish. Jake is a barbeque-er par excellence and Laurel is the head chef and an unbelievable baker.  Her cinnamon rolls, breads and other treats are to die for.  But she makes sure we all get a chance to cook as well.

Marie prepping something for dinner.

Ralph and Mary working in the kitchen.

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